Archives for Communication and Behavior

Dialogue Makes the Difference

When we ask people whether they talk more or less with those with whom they are in conflict, the answer is always the same – they talk less! Our next question is when they talk less with the other person, are they more or less likely to resolve the conflict? This question is first met with uncomfortable laughter and then an admission that they can’t solve conflict very well without talking to the other person. Lessen Distress The process of dialogue – face-to-face, issue-focused verbal conversation – is at the heart of the MTI conflict resolution program. When people can… Continue Reading Dialogue Makes the Difference
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Mediation Techniques, and Uncategorized.

CDP Behaviors: Creating Solutions and Reflective Thinking

After taking time to understand the other person’s perspective and sharing your own thoughts and feelings about a conflict, it comes time to look at what you can do to come up with a resolution to the problem that can work for you and the other person. While it seems obvious why the solution should work for you, there are times when we yield to others and generate one-sided solutions that do not meet our own interests. Likewise, there are times when we try to win at all costs even if it means the other person’s interests are disregarded. In… Continue Reading CDP Behaviors: Creating Solutions and Reflective Thinking
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Managing Emotions, and Uncategorized.

Confidence in Resolving Conflict

Confidence in Resolving Conflict Having confidence to resolve conflicts is an important part of the process. There are myriad reasons why you might lack confidence when faced with a conflict: fear, discomfort, previous negative encounters, lack of skill, knowledge, or experience, etc. Let’s look at these issues and how they affect your ability to effectively manage conflict. Recognize the signs of low self-confidence. When you’re not confident about dealing with conflict, you tend to doubt your abilities, second-guess yourself, and be hesitant about trusting your own judgment. You also might be pessimistic about a successful outcome which, in turn, gives… Continue Reading Confidence in Resolving Conflict
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Managing Emotions, and Uncategorized.

Conflict Competence

DEFINING CONFLICT COMPETENCE Conflict competence is the ability to develop and use cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills that enhance productive outcomes of conflict while reducing the likelihood of escalation or harm. The results of conflict competence include improved quality of relationships, creative solutions, and lasting agreements for addressing challenges and opportunities in the future. As with all competencies, people can learn ways to improve, change, and develop. We believe that those with a keen sense of self awareness are well positioned to develop conflict competence. This requires honesty and objectivity. It requires seeking feedback from others. We recommend using assessment… Continue Reading Conflict Competence
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Managing Emotions, and Uncategorized.

Giving In to Avoid Conflict

When asked to describe conflict, most people use negative words. They often indicate that they prefer to avoid dealing with it when possible. This leads to a particular kind of passive destructive  behavior described in the Conflict Dynamics Profile as Yielding.  Yielding involves giving in to the other person or accommodating them in order not to have to address the conflict directly. In practice it may sound something like, “Ok, we’ll do it your way” or “Whatever you want – I’ll go along.” Yielding is described as a destructive behavior for several reasons.  First, the person who yields may get… Continue Reading Giving In to Avoid Conflict
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Managing Emotions, and Uncategorized.

Constructive Conflict

The model underlying the Conflict Dynamics Profile instrument suggests that people use a variety of behavioral responses to conflict. Some of these are characterized as constructive and some as destructive. The constructive behaviors are ones that tend to help lessen tension and resolve conflict. They are further divided by whether they are active or passive in nature. Active constructive behaviors involve overt responses. These include four behaviors: Perspective Taking, Creating Solutions, Expressing Emotions, and Reaching Out. Perspective Taking concerns trying to view the conflict from the other person’s perspective, sometimes referred to as standing in their shoes. This can be… Continue Reading Constructive Conflict
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Categories: Communication and Behavior, Managing Emotions, and Uncategorized.