How to Mediate Conflicts between Others

Learn a powerful communication tool (Third-Party Resolution) to help others resolve workplace conflict. Third-Party Resolution is a core competency for every supervisor, manager, team leader, and human resource specialist.


  • What is Third-Party Resolution
  • When to use Third-Party Resolution
  • Why Third-Party Resolution is so effective in conflict management

The key to conflict is to stop it before it starts or at its lowest level. This course will teach participants how to proactively manage workplace conflict. Through a combination of classroom discussion around the Necessary Knowledge to understand and solve conflict and classroom skills training, participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice a unique communication tool that can be used in all workplaces to stop conflict before it escalates. Managerial mediation is a unique option because it produces voluntary cooperation, not just compliance. Managerial mediation is a template with which you can apply to your current skills, once you understand the tool.

This seminar is offered through MTI’s: